
Who am I? I am nobody.

The question I would rather answer is "What am I?"

As a certified yoga teacher with a background in Iyengar, Kundalini, and Hatha yoga, the love of my life in terms of exercise has turned out to be Acro-Yoga. But it seems I may be like Moses who only got to see the promised land.

A naturopath that used to manage vitamin stores and enjoys making the healthiest lifestyle choices available, I love to share information about healthy living, systemic cleansing, and dietary supplementation for optimal vibrancy.

While learning the art of forgiveness from A Course in Miracles, I discovered Compassionate Communication, Conscious Languaging, Authentic Relating, Circling and Relateful Flow. All are communication disciplines that result in greater personal clarity and more harmonious relationships.

Learning, teaching, and practicing effective life skills in terms of communication, health, and spirituality is important to me. I especially love the warm wonderful feeling of gratitude that occurs when giving and receiving heartfelt empathy and a surprising depth of mutual understanding occurs. Such healing and uplifting experiences are worthwhile to live for.

It is always fun to practice yoga, participate in music circles, sing, and play stride gospel piano.

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